Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Stained Glass Millennials: What You Need To Know

Stained Glass Millennials: Stories of Those Who Stay
Forthcoming Smyth and Helwys Publishing

Many of you have asked for information regarding my forthcoming book. See my "stump speech" below! I look forward to hearing your input and it going to print!

"Many Millennials (Those born in the 1980’s-Early 2000’s) are leaving the institutional church for good, never to return. That’s the story we hear because some of the loudest voices are telling us the death of the Church is upon us. This book is an alternative to that narrative. It is born out of Millennial people who choose to stay in the church for the sake of the good news of Jesus Christ. This book is an attempt to show that there is another side to the story. This book is partly a story of those who have chosen to stay, but also attempts to paint how the church might adapt for the challenges of a Millennial world. Through examination of worship, missions, church membership, and theology, this book seeks to paint that the church has the potential to thrive in this climate if it will seize the day and work for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Infused within this book are reflections from the stained glass, stories of a few followers of Jesus who are Millennial and passionate about the church."

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