Monday, September 19, 2011

What's In a Name?

            In some cultures in the Pacific region, many parents will give their children two names. One is what the community will call them; the other name is a secret known only to their parents. It is in this belief that the parents hope that no one will be able to curse their children, as they won’t know their real name.
            What’s in a name? We are called by our names, we live by our names; society has placed a great deal on words, especially that in which we are called. You may be wondering, what does this have to do with our journey of faith.
            Christ came to earth with a name, a face, a reality in which we all subscribe to. God incarnate came, lived and died in the hopes that we might be able to call God one of us. But I often wonder what name does Christ come under now? In what way is he revealed to countless people who do not know God?
            It is a firm belief of mine that it is through our names that God is known. God is love and we are to be vessels of that love. It is through our names, our reputations, our realities that God is either lifted up or brought down.  For instance, when you think of God, I am sure you think of people who have represented God to you. Who have become incarnate vessels of the grace offered to us?  It is those close friends, partners and families that have shown us that grace. It has the potential to even be a complete stranger walking down the street.
            There is a wonderful recent hymn that goes like this, “How can we name a Love
that wakens heart and mind, in dwelling all we know
or think or do
or seek or find? Within our daily world,
in every human face,
Love's echoes sound
and God is found,
hid in the commonplace.” I love the idea of God taking ordinary things and making them extraordinary. For our names, ordinary words, take on extraordinary meanings as God if found there.
            People of faith, go forth this day knowing that your name, your face matters, it may not always be evident but in God’s time and God’s place it will be made extraordinarily clear. So the next time you hear or think of the phrase, “What’s in a name?” Smile, because you are loved, and that love shines through you.

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