Saturday, September 22, 2012

God Calls Us to 'Lifelong Learning'

            Recently I was at the Soccer Complex watching my little cousin play one of his first games on his first team in his probably long sporting career. It’s been a while since I had been to a soccer game at the complex to cheer my little brother on; I’m normally at Hound Hollow cheering for him on Friday nights nowadays. But I was amazed at something that had not changed since my brother’s Scott’s last game, the intensity at which the fans cheer.
            Now mind you this game was for young kids, really young kids, but the air felt tense as the fans barked orders and experienced the fervor of a sporting event. But it was incredible to see grown adults cheering on a children’s sports event as if the Carolina Panthers were on that field.
            Friends we must always conduct ourselves in a way that is conducive to the Gospel we claim. For instance my mom right now is enrolled in the Doctor of Nursing program at Gardner-Webb University, and often that university sends out encouragement to their students. Recently, my mom received this encouragement from Dr. Angela Orsky, a faculty member there at Gardner-Webb, “yes, you are trying to balance work, family, church, school, life in general- and probably right now you feel like you’re not doing a good job at any of them… No one can take away your education, so take a deep breath, cry if you need to, wake up tomorrow and do it again. There will be good days, there will be bad days, and weeks where you are frustrated with the process. Keep working hard, keep your priorities in order and try to find enjoyment in learning and growing as students.”
            As a student myself I can somewhat empathize with what my mom is going through in her doctoral program. How many times are we content to bark orders and yell at the referees for things that are beyond any of our control? How content are in this life to decide that it was the referee’s fault and it’s our job to yell and throw a temper tantrum.
            Simply and directly, God calls us to an existence of lifelong learning, maybe not in the halls of academia, or maybe not in the sense of conventional learning. It is our job not to sit by and bark orders at what could be, it’s our job to use the resources our Creator and Sustainer has given us to the best of our advantage. Whether you are four years old, or ninety-four years old, there is more to understand about God, there is always more to learn.
            Next time you’re on the sidelines, remember the players are learning, we’re a lot like them you know. We’re on a field, and our God doesn’t yell at us like that, God takes us in God’s arms, and in a gentle voice assures us that God gives us purpose and direction. It is in that hope that we find new joy, new existence, and a new education. Remember as if God is speaking to you, there will be good days, there will be bad days, but no one can take me away from you. Keep working, keep your priorities in order, and enjoy this thing we call life.

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